Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
249 lines
/* SPAWNO v4.0 EMS/XMS/disk swapping replacement for spawn...() */
/* (c) Copyright 1991 Ralf Brown All Rights Reserved */
/* */
/* This file SWAPTEST.C is donated to the public domain, but the */
/* remainder of SPAWNO remains copyrighted. */
/* */
/* Changes for MSC compatibility provided by Gene McManus. */
/* Available #defines:
NO_SPAWNO assume file will be linked only with runtime library
STD_SPAWN use replacements for standard functions from SPAWNO lib
ENVIRON pass current environment rather than original environment
ADD_MEM allocate ADD_MEM KB additional memory to SWAPTEST
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifndef M_I86
#include <alloc.h>
#endif /* M_I86 */
#include <process.h>
#include "spawno.h"
/* #define STD_SPAWN /* comment out to use parallel spawn..o() funcs */
/* #define NO_SPAWNO /* uncomment to use compiler's library */
/* #define ADD_MEM 300 /* uncomment to allocate additional 300K memory */
#ifndef M_I86 /* allow for differences between TC & MSC */
#define ALLOC allocmem
#define FREE freemem
#define OK -1
#define ALLOC _dos_allocmem
#define FREE _dos_freemem
#define OK 0
#endif /* M_I86 */
#ifdef NO_SPAWNO
# ifndef STD_SPAWN
# define STD_SPAWN
# endif
#ifdef STD_SPAWN
# ifdef ENVIRON
# define SPAWNlp spawnlpe
# define SPAWNvp spawnvpe
# else
# define SPAWNlp spawnlp
# define SPAWNvp spawnvp
# endif
# define SPAWN_ARG1 P_WAIT
#else /* STD_SPAWN */
# ifdef ENVIRON
# define SPAWNlp spawnlpeo
# define SPAWNvp spawnvpeo
# else
# define SPAWNlp spawnlpo
# define SPAWNvp spawnvpo
# endif
# define SPAWN_ARG1 swap_dir
#endif /* STD_SPAWN */
#ifndef ENVIRON
unsigned int _heaplen = 128 ; /* limit heap if we don't build an environment */
#endif /* ENVIRON */
int verbose = 0 ;
void usage(void)
fputs("Usage: SWAPTEST <runs> <where> <size> [command [args]]\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\twhere\t<runs> is the number of times to recursively invoke\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t\t\tSWAPTEST before invoking the specified command.\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t\t<where> indicates where to swap, one or more of [D]isk,\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t\t\t[E]MS, [X]MS, and ex[T]ended\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t\t<size> specifies the minimum number of bytes to keep resident.\n",stderr) ;
exit(1) ;
#ifdef NO_SPAWNO
void init_SPAWNO(const char *overlay_path,int swap_types)
(void) overlay_path ;
(void) swap_types ;
#endif /* NO_SPAWNO */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
unsigned int seg1, seg2, seg3, seg4 ;
unsigned int recursions_left ;
char *argptr ;
char *comspec = getenv("COMSPEC") ;
char *swap_dir = getenv("SWAPDIR") ;
int swap_types = 0 ;
char num[12] ;
int retval ;
#ifdef ENVIRON
char *scratch ;
if (argc < 4)
usage() ;
/***** process the commandline arguments *****/
if (argv[0] == NULL || argv[0][0] == '\0')
argv[0] = "SWAPTEST" ;
recursions_left = (unsigned int) atol(argv[1]) ;
argptr = argv[2] ;
while (*argptr)
case 'V': verbose = 1 ;
break ;
case 'D': swap_types |= SWAP_DISK ;
break ;
case 'E': swap_types |= SWAP_EMS ;
break ;
case 'X': swap_types |= SWAP_XMS ;
break ;
case 'T': swap_types |= SWAP_EXT ;
break ;
default: /* do nothing */
break ;
argptr++ ;
#ifndef NO_SPAWNO
/* determine the number of paragraphs to keep resident given the number of */
/* bytes requested by the user */
__spawn_resident = ((unsigned int) atol(argv[3]) + 15) / 16 ;
#endif /* ndef NO_SPAWNO */
if (swap_dir == NULL)
swap_dir = "." ; /* default swap directory is current dir */
if (comspec == NULL)
comspec = "COMMAND" ; /* default program to run is COMMAND.COM */
init_SPAWNO(swap_dir,swap_types) ;
#ifdef ENVIRON
/* Turbo C's malloc() [called by putenv()] can't deal with other memory */
/* blocks immediately beyond the main program's, so allocate some memory */
/* now to force the break higher */
scratch = malloc(2000) ;
#endif /* ENVIRON */
#ifdef ADD_MEM
int i, j ;
char *tmp ;
if (verbose) printf("Allocating %dK additional memory\n",ADD_MEM) ;
for (i = 0 ; i < ADD_MEM ; i++) /* allocate extra memory to increase */
{ /* space needed for swapping */
tmp = malloc(1024) ;
for (j = 0 ; j < 1024 ; j++) /* initialize memory to a known pattern */
tmp[j] = 1023 - j ;
#endif /* ADD_MEM */
/***** allocate several blocks of memory *****/
if (ALLOC(2048,&seg1) != OK) /* 32K */
printf("First memory allocation failed.\n") ;
abort() ;
if (verbose) printf("seg1 = %4.4X\n",seg1) ;
if (ALLOC(64,&seg2) != OK) /* 1K */
printf("Second memory allocation failed.\n") ;
abort() ;
if (verbose) printf("seg2 = %4.4X\n",seg2) ;
if (ALLOC(4100,&seg3) != OK) /* 64+K */
printf("Third memory allocation failed.\n") ;
abort() ;
if (verbose) printf("seg3 = %4.4X\n",seg3) ;
if (ALLOC(128,&seg4) != OK) /* 2K */
printf("Fourth memory allocation failed.\n") ;
abort() ;
if (verbose) printf("seg4 = %4.4X\n",seg4) ;
/***** deallocate one of our blocks to create a "hole" *****/
FREE(seg2) ;
if (verbose) printf("freed seg2\n") ;
#ifdef ENVIRON
free(scratch) ;
#endif /* ENVIRON */
/***** now figure out which program to spawn and spawn it *****/
printf("SWAPTEST %u\n",recursions_left) ;
if (recursions_left)
ultoa(recursions_left-1,num,10) ;
argv[1] = num ;
#ifdef STD_SPAWN
retval = spawnvp(P_WAIT,argv[0],argv) ;
retval = spawnvpo(swap_dir,argv[0],argv) ;
#endif /* STD_SPAWN */
#ifdef ENVIRON
putenv("SWAPTEST=YES") ;
#endif /* ENVIRON */
if (argc > 4)
retval = SPAWNvp(SPAWN_ARG1,argv[4],argv+4
#ifdef ENVIRON
#endif /* ENVIRON */
) ;
retval = SPAWNlp(SPAWN_ARG1,comspec,comspec,(char *)NULL
#ifdef ENVIRON
#endif /* ENVIRON */
) ;
if (retval == -1)
printf("errno = %d, _doserrno = %d.",errno,_doserrno) ;
printf("spawn return code = %d.",retval) ;
/***** check memory integrity on return by freeing the *****/
/***** memory we allocated earlier *****/
if (FREE(seg1))
printf("\nfreemem(seg1) failed!") ;
if (FREE(seg4))
printf("\nfreemem(seg4) failed!") ;
if (FREE(seg3))
printf("\nfreemem(seg3) failed!") ;
/***** allocate one big block of memory *****/
if (ALLOC(6340,&seg1) != OK)
abort() ;
if (verbose) printf("\n6340 paragraphs allocated at %4.4X",seg1) ;
if (FREE(seg1))
printf("\nfinal freemem failed!") ;
printf("\t Ending SWAPTEST %u\n",recursions_left) ;
return 0 ; /* successful */